Monday- The Fresh Start You Don’t Want

Well the day is here. By now coast to coast, we’ve dragged ourselves out of bed, already came up with up 15 different excuses to not make the journey in and by now maybe you’re wishing you would have acted on just one of them.
Yup, it’s Monday.
No we’ve yet to get our well deserved three weekend and four day work week.
No, instead today I woke my kids up for school and I made the journey in to start my long day.
But a few things to remember no matter where you are physically, financially, or mentally.
Your day is what you make of it.
Your smile is contagious.
Positivity is infectious.
Maybe your day didn’t start off as you hoped. Maybe everything since opening your eyes hasn’t been great.
Maybe today isn’t the fresh start you wanted, but its the one you needed.
I encourage you to look around you and find one thing positive, and comment below!
Happy Monday Friends!