Has My Faith In Medium Been Restored? A look into my year-long break from the platform.

Cherise Green
3 min readJul 22, 2024

I took over a year off from the platform after all of the changes were announced and here’s why.

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A little over a year ago, I was feeling hopeful. Actually, I was almost certain that Medium would finally become one of my sources of passive income. Last year I was publishing up to 4 articles a week with nothing and I was filled with creativity.

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And then the changes were announced and I lost all momentum and hope. I began to doubt my abilities as a writer. After reading about the first few changes, I didn’t bother to read more. If you were a frequent user or writer on Medium over a year ago, you might be able to relate to that exact feeling. You may have even taken an elongated break yourself or maybe you kept pushing.

My break was spurred by a feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt. I mean who was I kidding, I had only made at most $60 on my best month, so with the changes and the boost my thought was there was no way I would see over $1, so why write?

This is where I wish I wouldn’t have let my negative thoughts get the best of me. Who knows where I might be…



Cherise Green

Content Writer| Open For Work| Selfishly avoiding choosing a single niche. Let’s unpack life’s familiarities and untold curiosities together.